
The Khandom

Khandom was born as most blogs are born out of the need for a Khan to infect the world with his ideas. It will grow naturally. But today at the time of it’s birth, I want to share my thoughts, ideas, tricks, experience, and knowledge about architecture, solutions, programming, and data analytics. I want to share some snippets from my upcoming auto-biographical anthology as well but I haven’t fully committed to that idea yet!

The Khan, gr8khan that is

I graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Computer Engineering, it’s birthplace. While things were rosy when I was a student, they weren’t as accomodating after my graduation. “Why?” you ask. Well, here are some reasons, I graduated into the dot com bubble bursting. As if that wasn’t enough, my last job fair at Purdue’s largest campus job fair in America, where careers are made was on 9/11/2001. Yup, you heard that right!

In those days, before I found funding for my first start-up, I played a lot of Halo: Combat Evolved. The original and in my opinion, the one and only Halo. With the pistol at Hang ‘Em High, three headshots to take out another player. You could take out up to three people in one re-load if you use the teammate shots right. Ah! those were the days! Those were the days when I earned my gamertag gr8khan.It inspired fear in others at the base when they saw that tag coming up the tunnel with a launcher.

I have since played very little but the gamertag has stuck through the years. For what happened after Purdue, find me on LinkedIn, Github, and HackerRank. And for what I did before Purdue, you are going to have to wait for my exciting auto-biography, coming around 2023. You can catch me at tech conference circuits or doing stand-up here and there. That’s the gr8khan!